Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Crime Lex Luthor Would be Aghast At!

As a comic book geek for many, many years (mostly thanks to my older brother), I've got a soft spot for anyone who reads them.  I spent countless hours growing up, and still do occasionally, getting lost 32-pages at a time in the worlds of DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse and many other publishers.

So when my brother sent me this article about a scumbag who stole a Superman collection from a mentally disabled man, it really got to me.

What right does another human being have to do this to someone?  Let alone someone who has a diminished mental capacity.  It makes me sick to my stomach that this son of a bitch is out there walking around, probably having hocked all of the collection for money for drugs or some other worthless thing. 

I'm sure some of the people reading this think that comics are just some "other worthless thing".  If so that is your opinion, but please never come back to this blog.  "Y'all ain't welcome here no mo'".  Comics can be as engaging as any good movie (often better), as thrilling as any good book (but with pictures!), or as mesmerizing as any work of art.  They help bolster the love of the written word.  They provide a place to escape to when things aren't always the best.  They let you dazzle your friends with amazing knowledge of how certain superheroes came to be (OK, not so great...but still kinda cool in my book).

I plan on going through my old collection in the next couple of days and grabbing some old issues of Superman to send to Mike.  If any of you out there would like to do the same, or just send him a kindness (which LORD knows this world could use more of) please send to:

Mike Meyer c/o Bill Smith
7041 Kingsbury Blvd.
St. Louis, Mo. 63130

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Things Pissing Me Off This Week #1

Thought I'd try another thing and combine two or three "short posts" into one and see what it looks like.

Item #1:  Wells Fargo has joined JP Morgan Chase in tacking on a $3/month fee to debit card users.  Why? Because the government did something smart and said that banks can only charge credit card companies a max of $0.21 per charge on a debit card.  And in retaliation the banks are going to start charging this fee so that they can get the money out of their clients.  What I'm getting out of this is I'll start carrying cash more or writing checks and cancel my debit card if my bank decides to go this way.

Item #2:  A woman in Houston was ejected from a restaurant because she tweeted that the bartender at the restaurant was a "twerp".  Apparently the manager was to busy checking out Twitter instead of managing his restaurant, saw the tweet, and then had the woman, a paying customer, thrown out.  I have no idea what her reason was for calling the bartender a twerp.  I've had good friends who are bartenders and it can be a really crappy job at times, but if the bartender was younger than me and acting like a twerp I'm sure I'd have done similar.  Maybe the GM should spend a little more time making sure his employees are up to par and not goofing off on the internet or on his cell phone.

Item #3:  All this "Flash Mob" crime stuff going on at convenience stores and similar.  Yes, kids are smart these days and are using Twitter and Facebook and whatever to get together and do Flash Mob crap, when I was younger the same thing was done with mass-texting people.  How does this get stopped?  Store owners hiding a "crowd pleasers" (shotguns) behind the counter and taking out one of the punks will put a stop to this crap REAL fast.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Stupid is Stupid...No Matter How Hot You Are

My best friend pointed this one out to me, as he also pointed out to me that my blog was seriously lacking in content lately, so thanks Stretch.

A fellow alum of my alma mater, who happens also to be a former Playboy Playmate and involved in a little scandal at our alma mater involving scantily clad photos in a locker room, was arrested on August 10th at Orlando International Airport for trying to board a plan with a LOADED revolver.

The article can be found at that pinnacle of unbiased news media, the Orlando Sentinel, here.

OK, she had a CCW, which allows her to carry a concealed handgun.  But last I checked you had to pass a class to get that permit.  I'm pretty sure part of that class went over WHERE it is legal and illegal to carry your weapon.  An airport, with a bunch of police officers and TSA agents is one of those places that most people with half a brain would stop and think "Hmm, this may be one of those places I'm not allowed to carry my gun.  Oh wait, it says so right THERE ON THAT SIGN!"

So once again, no matter how hot you are.  No matter if you've been in Playboy or not and had Hef rubbing you up and down with oil.  And no matter if you do have a license which allows you to carry your concealed handgun, loaded with hollow-point rounds in most places.  You are not allowed to take a handgun on an airplane or into an airport unless you have it in a case and it is going in the belly of the damned plane.

Oh wait, she's blonde?  She's forgiven, she didn't know any better.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

So Long Space Shuttle

At just before 6:00AM this morning I was awoken by the last sonic boom of the last space shuttle, Atlantis, that would ever re-enter, or leave for that matter, the Earth's atmosphere.

It was very depressing to think that we, the United States of America, who have led space travel, space exploration, and just about anything else that has the word "space" in its name, for the last 50 years, are no longer the leaders.

I really don't have much to else to say on this.  I blame one person's administration for this.  And the THOUSANDS of jobs that are lost because of it.

God bless all the men and women of the NASA Astronaut Corps who have helped get us to the stars, land on the moon, and discover more about this amazing "space" around us.

Ad astra per aspera.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cashing in on the Law

Living in Central Florida, I've had the "privilege" of putting up with the "she who shall not be named" (Casey Anthony for those of you outside of my fair state) murder trial over the last 3 years.  Thank God it is finally over...mostly.

Apparently, some of the jurors in the case who have stepped forward (Judge Fred Sanford...I mean Judge Belvin Perry has not released the jurors names as of yet) are going to be writing books, selling their stories to Hollywood (or Bollywood for that matter), etc.  I have no issue with this, but it seems State Rep. Scott Randolph, D-Orlando, does.

"The bill Randolph intends to introduce during the 2012 legislative session would prevent jurors from making money or receiving compensation in exchange for information about the trial in which they participated". (Orlando Sentinel)  If you want to read the full story go here.

Why this is bothering Rep. Randolph I really have no idea.  We took about 2 months out of the lives of these people so that they could do their "civic" duties.  They were sequestered, which in this day and age of technology and news being everywhere is tantamount to being a prisoner themselves.  I personally will not buy anything having to do with this trial as I'm ready for the area to get back to normal (not saying that Central Florida is ever TRULY normal), but see no issue in these people coming out and making some cash on doing what we ask them as citizens.  Lawmakers, politicians, and many others do it every day.  Why not the "regular" people?


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Short Post #9 - Netflix Redux

So, for those of you who didn't know, Netflix has split their plans into "Streaming" and "DVD" divisions with no benefit of having packages of both any longer.  Essentially, my plan went from about $16/month to $23/month.  They gave some BS reason for this as basically along the lines of:

"Damn, we didn't realize so many people would continue to want to rent DVD/Blu-Ray discs so we have to charge them more for not wanting our sub-par streaming library AND we also make them wait at least 28 days until they can rent the 'latest' movie releases from us because of poor business deals on our part so we need to get more money out of our current client base."

Yes, I paraphrased a lot, but that is essentially what they said.

So, what am I going to do?  Well, if Netflix hadn't finally just added pretty much all of the Star Trek television show library I'd be cancelling today.  But, since they did that, I'll most likely cancel my "by-mail" movies from them come the end of August and switch to those boxes outside of pharmacies, gas stations, and Walmarts.  You may have seen them?  They are big RED BOXES.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Best Music Ever

Yeah, yeah, I know it's been a month since I an article on here, sorry, you'll forgive me.

This one, as if you couldn't tell by the title, is about the best music genre ever.  I'm sure some of you are saying "Polka", or "Death Metal", but you would of course be totally wrong.  The best music to ever come out of any time period is that genre known as "Southern Rock".

How can I say this?  Well without Southern Rock you'd have had just about nothing in the Rock genre ever since.  Just like without Country, Soul, and Jazz, we wouldn't have had Southern Rock, without Southern Rock we wouldn't have had good old fashioned Rock'n'Roll, Alternative, Grunge, and a host of other genres.  It's just a fact, you can try and dispute it all you want, but it's just true.  Elvis Presley wasn't Rock'n'Roll first, he was Southern Rock which became Rock'n'Roll, all you have to do is listen to his early stuff and you can see this.  Before he was "The King" he helped create the genre that is now known as Southern Rock.

The greatest thing about Southern Rock is that it spans so many different great musicians who fall under the genre.  From the more country side of the genre with the Charlie Daniel's Band, to the more traditional rock sound of Creedence Clearwater Revival, and from the vocal stylings of the Atlanta Rhythm Section to the more "bluesy" sounds of the Allman Brothers Band.  Yes, they are ALL Southern Rock, and I haven't even scratched the surface.

Being a Southerner, and a natural born Floridian, my personal favorite is of course Lynyrd Skynyrd.  Skynyrd was part of a group of southern rock bands that brought in hard rock with their traditional country sound.  Songs like "Freebird", "Tuesday's Gone" and "Simple Man" showcase the typical southern man's loves, aspirations, and excesses, both back in the time that they were written and today.  The guitar rifts in most of their songs, along with the drum solos, just make you think that everything is going to be alright.  Even their "sad" songs, aren't sad, they make you smirk and nod your head and want to hold a lighter in the air.

Unlike music of today, like pop-shock crap by Lady GaGa, or just pop in general, the music said something without being a prick about it.  Like it says in "Sweet Home Alabama", "Well, I hope Neil Young will remember a southern man don't need him around anyhow" gets to the point, doesn't require some stupid outfit, and it's just right (and a little known fact it seems:  Ronnie Van Zant wasn't putting down Neil Young, he was actually backing his attack on racism and segregation up and saying "Thanks Neil, we get what you say and we agree, but we can take care of it ourselves.").  I know a lot of people out there are just sheep and listen to whatever is "hot" currently and don't care about history of music, or the ability to actually sit down and write music instead of having someone else write the words for them and let a computer put out the actual sounds.

I'll say this in conclusion; I may be biased a wee bit.  Skynrd's "Freebird" was my high school class song back in '99.  Even all those years after it was originally written it still meant something to that class of Booker T. Washington High School.  It meant freedom, it meant growing up, it meant leaving those we loved behind so that we could take on the world.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Short Post #8 - Bin Laden

This one is the shortest one ever:

Osama "I'm a total fucking asshat" bin Laden is DEAD!  Way to go Navy Seals or Delta Force or whoever got him! And yes, way to go Obama for giving the order!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Doesn't that word sound like something that should be yelled during a movie set in the Babylonian-era?  Well it's not.  It's the name of this "newish" sport that seems to combine parts of soccer, basketball, football/rugby, and quidditch.  Yes, I did say quidditch.

The game was invented in Philly, or as my older brother would say "Figures".  It consists of a large circular field with four scoring zones, two per team.  Teams consist of 10 players each.  Each "zone" consists of four smaller zones.  In one of the zones you can't use your hands, in the other three you can.  The image over there shows you most of the field.  You can see the Goal, Flex, and Cross zones.  The missing zone, just in between the Goal and Flex zones, is the Wedge zone.  This zone is the one where you can't use your hands.  In the videos I've seen of this, I see a lot of guys jumping from the Flex INTO the Wedge so that they can throw the ball from there without having to put the ball down and kick it.  Pretty ingenious stuff.

The Kronum ball is "volley-ball" sized.  Which means that it IS a volley-ball or a soccer ball.  You score by getting the ball in the net, pretty much just like soccer.  OR you score by getting the ball in these five rings above the goal, much like quidditch (Lord why do I sound like a nerd understanding the scoring complexities of quidditch).  A goal in one of the rings gets you "double" points.  Why do I say "double" and not two points?  Well, if you are a certain distance out, just like in basketball, you get two points for a standard net goal, and "double" the points value if you get the goal in the rings.  You can even dunk the ball if you have enough balls to get close enough.  See what I did there?

So yes, it is a bit complex.  So is the designated hitter rule to anyone born before 1973, deal with it.  Go to YouTube, punch in "Kronum" with your gorilla-sized digits, and watch some of the vids that come up.  You'll be hooked.  If you like hits, slide tackles, high-scoring, and really not knowing what the deuce is going on, this sport is right up your alley. Or, you could be like me, having this sport expand and move out of the greater-Philly area means just one more reason to go watch some other guys get dog-ass tired on a field while I'm chugging down beers yelling at them to run faster.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Short Post #7 - Netflix

I am a Netflix whore.  I admit this.  I need a support group.  Actually, and more specifically, I am a Netflix Streaming whore.  Yes, I have a Blu-Ray player (a couple of them actually) but the one in my living room is in my Media Center PC and the one in my bedroom is wireless.  I watch Netflix Streaming movies and shows on them more than anything else.  Sure I get my couple of movies a week in my mailbox, but I often times forget about them and just send them in...after all they will most likely be on streaming in another couple of months any how.

What I really want is to be able to get rid of my Blu Ray players, pay $50/month for all-the-time streaming HD-quality shows and movies from Netflix.  Yes, I know that Fox, Paramount, etc won't go for it because they will be losing revenue on disc sales.  That's why I'd pay almost 3x what I'm paying now to Netflix to get it!  Give them the money!  I just want my shows and I don't want to ever have to go to my mailbox again to get a little red envelope (why do I feel like Adam Sandler in "Billy Madison" when I'm getting them...it's not "nudie-magazine day"!  that's on the 12th...every month).  Nor do I want to deal with the throngs at Walmart or Best Buy to go get the damn movie before they jack it up $15 from the "release" week!

Give me my HD Streaming dammit!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Short Post #6 - Rick Scott

First off, I'm a Republican, and I can't stand my state's Republican Governor.  That being said, and though the man has done some utterly moronic things since he was elected (again, my opinion, I know you have 4000 of your own), he has FINALLY thought of something that makes sense.

Apparently, Gov. Scott would like to make every welfare recipient who has a history of drug use, take a drug test before they can be given assistance from the state government.  This is pure genius!  If they fail, then they are ineligible for state funds for a year AND they must pass the drug test at that time too or go for another year.  I love this idea!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Peeps - Evil "Marshmallow" Treats

Peeps are evil!

I was going to have that be the only thing in this post, but even that is to quick for a post from me.  So I guess I should go into "why" they are evil.

1) They really only have a reason to exist during Easter.  As their main shapes are "bunny" and "chicken".  A candy that is only viable during one secular holiday must have a nefarious plan!  (OK on a side note I did discover they have special peeps for other holidays...but still doesn't matter)

2) They are "marshmallow" treats.  Sorry, to me if you can't melt them easily and sandwich them between graham crackers and a bit of Hershey bar or make them disappear in hot chocolate, they aren't real marshmallows (I've tried both with peeps and it is no bueno!).

3) Like animal crackers, which also freak the hell out of me, they have faces.  I have issues eating something that still has it's face.  I have no issue eating something that at one point had a face, but these things STILL HAVE FACES!  And yes, I did not like big chocolate Easter bunnies for the same reason back in the day.

4) I'm not the only one who believes this.  Visit Peeps are Evil and you'll see!  Sadly, this site hasn't been updated in some time, which leads me to believe that the peeps have indeed killed the creator of this web comic.

5) In high school, my Freshman "gifted" English teacher loved these things.  I hated her as she was a bull dyke who tried to force her opinions on easily impressionable high school students.  I didn't play her game (and could have gotten her fired a couple of times but didn't...though Lord looking back I wish I had).  I didn't like Peeps then, and I like them even less now.

In closing.  Peeps suck.  Eat them at your peril.  When they drill into your skull and start giving you directions like some South American parasite don't come crawling to me for help!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Short Post #5 - Japan

OK, I'll be the first one to admit that what has happened in Japan is a disaster.  The loss of human life alone is terrible and my prayers do go out to those who were affected by the earthquake.  That having been said...it's Japan's problem.  We already rebuilt the country after World War II.  A country we were at war with at the time (yeah, that one boggles the mind).  We have enough philanthropic endeavors already going on throughout the world, not to mention the laundry list of issues going on in our own country to deal with, to assist one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world to rebuild.

You know what, scratch that.  Sure, let the USA help them out.  But don't offer this help until 4/11/2011.  Why wait a month UA?  That was how long it took Japan to offer assistance after the BP Oil Spill in 2010.  This was help that was ultimately declined, but it still took them a month to offer that assistance, long enough to damage our already hurting economy just a little bit more.  Am I an Angry American?  You bet your ass I am!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's Important?

As I get ever closer to the dreaded three-o, I thought it may be a great idea to look back on what is important in life to me right at this moment.  Yes, I know, a little deep for me, but every now and then it does happen.

First off, I'm of course happy to have my amazing family.  My mom, who has always been the rock for the family (though at times it was a little wobbly, and that's just from the crazy ALL of us have...not from the excessive drinking she does on Saturday nights...OK that was a joke, my mother barely even drinks).  My dad, who I look up to more than any man in the world (though he is 3 inches shorter than I).  My brother, who made a path that I followed pretty good I think, until I decided to take an alternate course at about 22, his amazing wife who has done a great job of guiding him to be the great man that he is today, and their daughter, my new niece, who is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life (can't wait to meet her in person).

Next are my friends.  There are too many out there to even begin to list why I'm thankful and grateful to have you in my life.  Whether it's the one I've known since we were both in kindergarten, his wife who knows how to put two grown men over twice her size in their place, the one who is the female version of me that lives in NJ, my work friends who help keep me sane when I want to bring sharp objects into the office, or those who I find on Facebook that I haven't talked to in years.  And of course all of the many "Brothers" that I have out there.  Each of these people is sacred and special to me in many ways.

Then are the women I've loved and those who say they've loved me.  No bitterness here.  Everyone has relationships that have worked for a time, failed, come back, blossomed as something new, or faded away into nothingness.  Each woman I've loved over the years has made me who I am today.  Is there one out there that I'd drop everything for to this day if I could and be with her if she called?  You'll never know ;)

So in this time of economic confusion.  Raising fuel prices.  Constantly waiting on the new season of Doctor Who and Torchwood to start.  And the supposed end of the world in about a year and a half.  Just remember, money comes and goes.  The people you truly love and love you back will always be there for you when you need them (and you sure as hell better be there for them too).  And even if the sun doesn't come out tomorrow...we've probably still got a cold one in the fridge to tide us over until it does decide to come out.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Short Post #4

I posted this on my Facebook page, but it really made me think so much that I wanted to do a short post on it.

Massey Services, a pest control giant down here in the greater Orlando area, has it's main offices in the same complex as my office.  Their normal work vehicles are mid-size trucks (mostly Chevy Colorados I believe) with the occasional F-150 or mini-van.  That being said, I was at work un-Godly early today because one of our servers went down, and I'm outside breathing in the nice morning air after the issue was resolved and watching the cars/trucks pull in.  Then it happens.  A full-size van with the Massey logo on the side of it pulls in.  What kind of infestation could possibly explain the need for a full-size van?!?

Here is my thoughts:

Mid-size Truck - regular home pest control/small office pest control

Mini-van/Full-size Truck - large office pest control

Full-size Van - I'm thinking R.O.U.S. infestation or something along the lines of this dialog from the classic 1984 movie "GhostBusters":

Guy at elevator: "What are you supposed to be, some kind of a cosmonaut?"
Venkman: "No, we're exterminators. Someone saw a cockroach up on twelve."
Guy at elevator: "That's gotta be some cockroach."
Venkman: "Bite your head off, man"

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Soccer Post

OK, so I know that a lot of people, including myself up until quite recently, scoffed at soccer in the US.  Why is this?  Well in all honesty, soccer is a boring ass sport.  However, that is just to us here in the states who are used to sports that always seem to have something going on in them, or are high scoring.  Take American football for instance (my favorite sport, especially NCAA FBS Football).  Not always high scoring, but every play is like watching old Roman gladiators battling it out for every single yard.  Now that's fun!  Or take basketball, almost always high scoring, unless you are watching the WNBA.  Not so much fun to me, but I do enjoy watching NCAA March Madness or the NBA Finals.  Soccer, in it's low-scoring, running back and forth, 45-minutes to a half, sheer mind-numbing at times, boring-ness, is just lost on Americans in general it seems.

Internationally, soccer, or football (or futbol or any other way that other countries spell it) holds the position of being the number 1 sport in the world.  Why?  Maybe because its been around for so long and the rest of little blue ball of life doesn't know any better?  Or perhaps its that every time you turn on a match it seems that some player or the other is rolling around on the ground crying like a little girl because he did some overly-dramatic trip over another player's invisible foot.  I don't know the real answer to this.  I've started watching the English Premier League lately and find it's nowhere near as boring as I remembered it (so long as I'm not watching Manchester United that is).

What do I find so interesting in it?  Maybe its the history to the teams.  Some of these teams have been around in one form or another since before the United States even existed!  Local FCs (Football Clubs) could be made of men who worked in a certain industry in a town or those who worked in the Royal Arsenal back in the late 1800's.  And when I really think about it's probably because these guys do run up and down a field for 45-minute halves!  I know my fat-a$$ couldn't do it, and I doubt a lot of people I know could either.  Oh yeah, usually the only pads these guys have on is shin guards.  Compare that to the 15lbs of pads that American Football players wear to run into each other.  And lets not forget about the hits these guys take.  Sure, a lot of people remember Theismann getting destroyed by Lawrence Taylor back in 1985.  That was a freak occurrence in football, which seems to happen yearly in soccer.

So all that being said, how do I think we can make the American people join the rest of the world in embracing soccer?  Well, short of putting hidden landmines on the pitch (what they call the field in soccer) and having them go off at random times during the match (what they call a game) I've only got one idea really.  American's love football because we can tailgate prior to it and get drunk (pissed) and "enjoy" the game.  In England this is difficult because the stadiums (as I've been told) don't have parking lots like our football stadiums do, but we make a habit of having loads of parking outside of any sporting venue we have.  So, make tailgating part of watching a soccer match.  Sell beer inside the stadium during the match.  Soccer hooligans (where the term came from after all) are renowned for being jackasses, the fans of the Oakland Raiders should fit right in!

As usual I'm getting long-winded in this so I'll end it by saying Go Gunners! (that's Arsenal for the rest of you).

Friday, February 11, 2011


As my best friend so eloquently pointed out, I've been a slacker on my posting lately.  Forgive me?  Oh I know you do.  I can see it in your eyes.  And yes, I have cameras in all of your homes so I know that you do in fact forgive me...I also know all the "naughty" websites you visit when you think your significant other is asleep.  I swear that most of that stuff is illegal in many states.

That all being said, yes I've been a slacker.  I've been working way to much lately, and actually trying to have some semblance of a life.  I'll work on not having so much of a life in the near future, but I make no promises.  But, since football season here in the good ol' U.S. of A. is finished I should be more bored on the weekends...thought "football" is still going strong over across the pond so...Go Gunners!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Short Post #3

I have nothing witty to write here today.  Only notice I have is about a couple of LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) being killed over in St. Petersburg, FL today.  Always sad for someone who doesn't deserve it to be shot and killed, even more so when it is one of those that have pledged their lives to protecting us (though yes I do know it comes with the job, doesn't make it any less senseless).  Glad the scum-sucking P.O.S. that did it probably looked liked Swiss cheese by the end of the siege.

Sgt. Thomas J. Baitinger and Officer Jeffrey A. Yaslowitz:  Gone but not forgotten.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Short Post #2

As an avid movie buff and reformed comic book freak I've got a bit of an issue going on in my head right now.  Shouldn't there be a limit as to how many different comic book characters an actor/actress is allowed to play in the movies?

Case in point: Chris Evans.

Not that I have anything against Evans as an actor.  He's actually pretty funny, and most, but not all, of the characters he is playing fit his body type pretty good.  But still, I was looking at his IMDB page and saw at least 6 movies that he played a different character in that are based off of comic books.

My biggest gripe?  Captain America and Johnny Storm do NOT have the same body type.  One is a normal guy, who just happens to be able to burst into flames and fly around, etc.  The other is a Super Soldier.  Cap is supposed to be ripped and well BIG, the ultimate of human perfection, at least body-wise.  The photos I've seen of Evans as Cap don't look bad, but you can tell they added padding and fake muscles (though again, the guy is pretty ripped, just not Captain America ripped).

List of Evan's comic book roles:  Johnny Storm (Fantastic Four), Captain America, Nick Gant (Push), Jensen (The Losers), Casey Jones (TMNT), Lucas Lee (Scott Pilgrim)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Short Post #1

So I thought I'd do some quick posts on things that I notice "as they happen to interest me".  This, as you should be able to put together from the post title, is the first one.

I've been slowly cleaning off my DVR and I had basically half a season of the new Hawaii 5-0 to watch on there.  Like the show a lot, mostly because I'm a Scott Caan fan (and it could have nothing to do with how good Grace Park looks in a bikini I swear).  I get to the "Christmas" episode and it has James Marsters (another under-rated actor) in it.  At some point in the episode Marsters' character manages to steal Danno's (Scott Caan) Camaro.  And from that point on, the rest of the episode bothered me for one damned reason.  It was a 2010 or 2011 Chevy Camaro.  That means it had OnStar in it.  Every Camaro has it installed, whether you use it or not.  And being cops, they could have made a call, had the GPS turned on said "OnStar, where's the guy who stole my car?"  Boom, bad-guy cornered, episode over.


Dentists Suck

Yesterday I had the honor of sitting in a dentist's chair getting a temporary crown put in.  It was tons of fun let me tell ya!  So I initially went in a little early as I couldn't find my wallet (which I now have found as that would have been a whole other fun day) and wanted to see if I could get billed by them.  Nope.  They were going to make me have to make another effing appointment, because I may have lost my damned wallet!  My mechanic, who happens to be two doors down from my dentist office, has no problem billing me later for something that has wheels and can get me out of the county, city, or state.  But my dentist who could probably put me on some medical facility black list if I didn't pay wouldn't let me get billed?!

Well anyway, I went out to my truck and luckily found another debit card I had as my bank sent me two a few months ago when they sent me new ones.  I called and had it activated and was good to go...well partially correct.  The girl pulling up my account to get the bill (BEFORE I've even had my work done mind you...this was like eating at McDonald's), goes "Did you want an upgraded crown for $150 more?  It looks a lot more natural and since it's on your smile line..."

"Let me see one of each?" I ask her.

She goes back real quick and grabs examples of the crowns and lets me see them.  I look at them and they looking IDENTICAL!  Not a little different, but NO DIFFERENT.  Here is how the next couple of minutes at the front desk of my dentist office went.

*Rubs the crowns in his fat little digits*  "Hmm, both made of porcelain and gold?" I ask her

"Yes, they are."  she replies back.

"Both have a 5-year warranty if they should break?" I inquire.

"Yes, that's correct.  5-year, 100% replacement."

*Holds the crowns in front of his face and between myself and the dental hygienist*  "Now, do you see a difference between these two crowns?  And if you do, can you honestly tell me that in 6-months they wont look the same in my mouth as compared to the rest of my off-white teeth?" --dead silence-- "Can we go do this now?"

And that was just the beginning.  Two hours later, after the dentist had actually done the most amazing job in the world of sticking me with a novocaine needle (I really had no idea he had done it except for the fact that my nose and upper lip went numb), I was finally finished getting the temporary crown put in.  I wont go into all the details how much the hygienist sucked at her job, including breaking the temp crown not once but twice while putting it on me (as my Pops would have said if he was there "Honey, thank God you're pretty, because you suck at the job you are doing."), let's just say..it was a fun experience. 

But wait, there's more!

I'm standing at the front desk waiting to make my appointment for when I'll come back and get the permanent crown put in, and another girl is sitting at the desk taking care of me.  Apparently my hygienist and I had reached the limit of time we could be around each other.  And she starts reading off other "options" for once I come back.  Including bleaching so that all my teeth are the same color as the crown.  Filling in this "micro-cavity" they "noticed" while working on the crown.  And, again, the mention of going up to the "Ultra-Special Super Deluxe Crown".

I finally get out of there, determined to find a new dentist now (though I like the dentist himself), and get in my 99 Dodge Ram.  I flip a U-turn so I can head into work.  "Black Betty" blaring on my speakers...when it hits me.  That wasn't a dentist office I just left.  It was damned car lot!

(I admit that parts of this story were embellished a little bit.  The only thing that really didn't happen was them trying to push bleaching on me.  That came up from me and my mom talking later in the day.  And actually when I was talking to her was when I realized that the dentist office was a hell of a lot like a car lot.)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Anisocoria - The New Nectar Of The Gods?

Anisocoria – noun – 1) inequality in the size of the pupils of the eyes, may be benign or life-threatening, can often be caused by a concussion 2) an organic single-malt barley wine produced by Orlando Brewing.
While I’m not one of the 20% of people who naturally have different size pupils, I have had the privilege of drinking the barley wine produced by Orlando Brewing in, here’s a shocker, Orlando, FL.  The brewery makes about a dozen different beers, as well as the topic of this post.  For the uninitiated, a barley wine is different from your normal beer in that it has a much higher alcohol content then a beer, usually on par with that of a wine.  It is called a barley wine because it is made from grain instead of fruit.  Anisocoria has an alcohol content of 17%, though honestly I think that it may have gotten a little higher as it was bottled over 2 years prior to being opened by my group.

This past Thanksgiving, smuggled in my parent’s luggage, my brother, another fraternity brother of ours, and myself, shared a bottle of it after dinner in New Jersey.  Why was it smuggled?  Well, the short story is that since the brew in question is organic, it can’t get above a certain temperature or it will die.  So I had to put it someplace cold while it traveled.

To start things off, we poured the contents of the bottle into a few rocks glasses, and, to my surprise, the dark liquid had no head at all.  I was worried that it had gone flat, but I know it hadn’t as I heard the release of gases when the top was opened.  Later on I learned that the reason for this was because that it didn’t have a lot of priming sugar in it, which gives beer it’s characteristic head.  The more I thought about this it made sense though.  This was in effect a wine. Wines need to breathe.  Head on a beer limits contact with air which keeps them “fresher”, which a wine or barley wine does not need.  Thus, no head.  Genius!

Next is smell, or aroma I guess to the beer connoisseurs of the world.  The smell was something reminiscent of figs with maybe a hint of raisins and bread.  Now when I say figs, I mean it literally smelled like I had just opened a bag of Fig Newtons.  Not a bad smell mind you, just unexpected in a brew.

Texture-wise it was definitely thicker than your average beer, but it wasn’t like drinking a stout.  It coated the glass well, unlike a pilsner or a lager which has almost the consistency of water this was more like cough syrup.  I know that doesn’t sound appetizing at all but it didn’t taste like cough syrup, just was thicker, more viscous, like it.  The great thing about this, because it was thicker and stuck around more as you drank it, you could feel it warming you the whole way down.

The initial taste was something also I didn’t expect.  It was very coffee-like, not hot coffee but like cold coffee.  Not one of those cold fru-fru coffee drinks you get at the local Starbuck’s or at the gas station or wherever, like coffee that had been sitting out for 30 minutes or so and had become cold.  In addition to that it tasted like it had alcohol in it.  I know you are thinking, “Hey, UA, isn’t something with alcohol in it supposed to taste like that?”  If you are thinking that, then you aren’t getting what I’m saying.  This wasn’t a brew that was basically water with alcohol content.  This was a brew that you could taste the alcohol content in.  And it tasted like heaven.

Overall, I definitely recommend having one of these next time you get down to Orlando.  It’s a bit expensive for a brew at $20 for a 12-ounce bottle.  But I only had about 4-ounces of one and I think I got my money’s worth.  If I had the whole bottle, it would basically be like drinking 3-4 glasses of wine and would probably give me a buzz on the same level.

My brother, who has his own blog about different adult-type beverages that he drinks, will be posting up his own review of Anisocoria in the next few months (give him a break, my niece is gonna be born in March so he is a little behind) and I’m interested to see what his write up says.  I’ll post the link on here once he does.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

We've Been Lied To...by the movies

Since I only started this blog yesterday I've been thinking of all the possible things that I could post on here.  From religious views to politics.  From comic books to string theory.  From video games to movies and everything else in between.

Well this one is going to be about movies.  In particular, it's about science fiction movies and how they've lied to us.  Yes, I realize that movies are make believe (unless it's a biopic or documentary) and that we are supposed to suspend disbelief when we watch them.  But as a child of the 80s and 90s there are certain things I was promised by this point in time according to the movies and I want them dammit!

In no particular order, here are the top 5 things that Sci-Fi movies have promised me by 2015 that either aren't here yet like they should be or should be here but doubt they will happen:

1) Time Travel (Timecop/1994) - according to Timecop, by 2004 we were supposed to have the ability to go backwards in time.  With the warning that should we interact with ourselves we would be turned into a puddle of organic waste because the "same matter cannot occupy the same space".  But here it is, 2011, and there is nothing in any science journal I could find about going back in time and stopping my mother from talking me into selling all my old toys.

Side note:  Why the hell could you only go BACK in time?  Wouldn't it make sense that if someone came from the future, grabbed you, and then hit the recall device that you would in fact go forward in time with them?

2) Self-drying Clothes (Back to the Future II/1989) - I list this for one specific reason, and anyone who knows me probably can already guess why.  I do not own an umbrella.  I have not owned one since high school.  Yet I live in a state where there is a lot of rain fall, especially during the summer months, and I am resigned to sitting at my cubicle at work in wet clothes because I do not have an umbrella...nor do I have self-drying clothes.  Yes, the "future" part of BttFII is set in 2015, but we are close enough now that there should at least be a damned prototype.

3) VERY Humanoid Robots (Blade Runner/1982) - Ok, so this one, in a way, still has several years still to come as the movie was set in 2019, though the book by Philip K. Dick Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was set in 1992, however, I doubt that we are going to have robots/androids that are that far along by the end of the decade.

4) Full On Cloning (multiple movies all set before 2011) - First off, no I do not want some idiot scientist to go out there, find some dino-DNA and make a T-Rex that thinks my fat a$$ looks like a good entree.  That having been said, I do want some extremely smart scientist to take some samples from some of my organs and make cloned copies of them.  Reason being, I'm sure my lungs, kidneys, liver, and a couple of other things aren't going to last as long as I want them too.  Also, I think it would be a great idea to be able to clone a pet, like in The 6th Day, that way you never have to explain to your kid that "Rex is on a doggy-island enjoying his golden years, honey".  (Note:  Tried to find a logo for "RePet", the pet cloning place in the mall of The 6th Day but couldn't.)

5)  Manned Interplanetary Flight (2001: A Space Odyssey/1968) - yes, we've launched probes, satellites, little rovers, and other things that have landed on other planets and taken pictures and even gathered samples (that are still ON those planets), but to date, not a single human being has touched ground on anything other than our moon.  And to top THAT off, we haven't been back to the moon since 1972.  I think Kennedy would be a little pissed.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Great Neck Village, NY

Hadn't heard of the town either?  I'm not surprised.  It's part of Long Island apparently and they just had to have their 15 minutes of fame this week.  How'd they do that?  Well apparently they thought it would be a brilliant idea to ban smoking in ALL public places in the town.  While I have no issues with restricting smoking areas, saying that a citizen cannot smoke ANYWHERE in public is a bit far to me.  I have to deal with crying babies in public.  I have to deal with barking dogs.  I have to deal with 70-year old blue hairs who can't see over their damned steering wheels and drive in MY STATE!  Why aren't there laws to put a stop to that (mostly the last two as I love babies and I do realize that they cry because they don't have the ability yet to say what is upsetting them)? 

I know that some people feel that smoking isn't a right, it's a choice.  And they also feel that the choice shouldn't be forced upon others who are concerned for their health and that of their loved ones.  I get that.  However,  I pay taxes just like everyone else.  Should I visit the little hamlet of Great Neck Village, NY, I feel I should be able to take a stroll down Main St. (no I do not know if they in fact HAVE a Main St., it's a generalization) and do some window shopping while enjoying a cigarette.  That's a right I have, if you don't like it, go on the other side of the damned street.  Or, if you feel that you must restrict where people can smoke, why doesn't the city set up areas IN PUBLIC that the smokers can congregate.  Think of it as a way to get them all in one place so that they can share the carcinogens and thus rid the world of them faster.

Oh yeah...the fine for violating this little law?  Up to $1,000.  Yes, you read that right.  A grand for smoking in public.  That is ridiculous, pure and simple.

Maybe this is just getting to me as I'm quitting smoking right now and it just really makes me want to go light one up and blow the smoke in some city official's face...who knows.

UCF Knights

Yes, it's a week late, but since I just started the blog I have to say something about my alma mater.  Never would have thought 16 years ago when my older brother started at the University of Central Florida, or 11 years ago when I started my education there, that UCF would have a football team worth a crap.  Yeah, Daunte Culpepper was a hell of a quarterback and brought some recognition to the school, but sadly injuries took him out of being a truly amazing NFL QB.

But here it is, 2011, and not only have the Knights had their best season in school history, resulting in their 4th bowl appearance, and 1st bowl victory in the Auto Zone Liberty Bowl on December 31, 2010, but they also ended the regular season ranked in the BCS Top 25.  Not that shabby for the little directional state school in East Orlando (I say "little" but it doesn't hurt that UCF is the 2nd largest school in the country, outdone by only Arizona State).

Add to all this that the UCF Men's Basketball team is ranked in the Top 20 right now and is one of only seven schools with an undefeated season so far...yeah it's a damn good time to be a Knight, or in my case a Knight Alumnus.

I'm your huckleberry...

Yes, I realize that the quote used in the title actually refers to an old expression meaning "I'm your man" or "I'm the one you're looking for" but it'll all make sense in a minute I swear (and to those of you who thought it meant something about a pallbearer...sorry you were wrong). 

Back in 1885 a man by the name of Samuel Clemens, of course more well known by his nom de plume Mark Twain, wrote a little book called "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn".  Today, most consider this one of the great American novels, myself included.  One of the reasons it was so amazing, even when I read it in the early 90's over 100 YEARS after it was first published, was because you could pick up this book and instantly be transported to the Mississippi River.  The main factor behind this immersion in the book?  The vernacular that was in it.  I'll cut to the chase for those of you who are not lucky enough to have read this book.  It uses the N-word...A LOT, something like 220 times.  Do I condone the use of this word?  Hell no!  But,  this word, at the time of the writing, was in much more common use in the South.  Changing a novel, especially one of so much great importance in the history of the United States, just because a word is deemed inappropriate in today's society (again, don't disagree that the word ITSELF is horrible), is on the same grounds as book burning in my eyes.  If a book, in it's original state, cannot be viewed by it's audience, then it loses all that it set out to do.  Whether it be to inform or entertain.  And teachers, who think that this is a good idea because it gets Huck back into classrooms...shame on you.  You are supposed to be the educators of our future.  If our future is hand-fed censored drivel their whole lives, with no respect or knowledge of it's original form, then I'll be home-schooling my future children.

Yup, that's right, I'm your huckleberry...