Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Things Pissing Me Off This Week #1

Thought I'd try another thing and combine two or three "short posts" into one and see what it looks like.

Item #1:  Wells Fargo has joined JP Morgan Chase in tacking on a $3/month fee to debit card users.  Why? Because the government did something smart and said that banks can only charge credit card companies a max of $0.21 per charge on a debit card.  And in retaliation the banks are going to start charging this fee so that they can get the money out of their clients.  What I'm getting out of this is I'll start carrying cash more or writing checks and cancel my debit card if my bank decides to go this way.

Item #2:  A woman in Houston was ejected from a restaurant because she tweeted that the bartender at the restaurant was a "twerp".  Apparently the manager was to busy checking out Twitter instead of managing his restaurant, saw the tweet, and then had the woman, a paying customer, thrown out.  I have no idea what her reason was for calling the bartender a twerp.  I've had good friends who are bartenders and it can be a really crappy job at times, but if the bartender was younger than me and acting like a twerp I'm sure I'd have done similar.  Maybe the GM should spend a little more time making sure his employees are up to par and not goofing off on the internet or on his cell phone.

Item #3:  All this "Flash Mob" crime stuff going on at convenience stores and similar.  Yes, kids are smart these days and are using Twitter and Facebook and whatever to get together and do Flash Mob crap, when I was younger the same thing was done with mass-texting people.  How does this get stopped?  Store owners hiding a "crowd pleasers" (shotguns) behind the counter and taking out one of the punks will put a stop to this crap REAL fast.

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