Thursday, January 13, 2011

Short Post #1

So I thought I'd do some quick posts on things that I notice "as they happen to interest me".  This, as you should be able to put together from the post title, is the first one.

I've been slowly cleaning off my DVR and I had basically half a season of the new Hawaii 5-0 to watch on there.  Like the show a lot, mostly because I'm a Scott Caan fan (and it could have nothing to do with how good Grace Park looks in a bikini I swear).  I get to the "Christmas" episode and it has James Marsters (another under-rated actor) in it.  At some point in the episode Marsters' character manages to steal Danno's (Scott Caan) Camaro.  And from that point on, the rest of the episode bothered me for one damned reason.  It was a 2010 or 2011 Chevy Camaro.  That means it had OnStar in it.  Every Camaro has it installed, whether you use it or not.  And being cops, they could have made a call, had the GPS turned on said "OnStar, where's the guy who stole my car?"  Boom, bad-guy cornered, episode over.


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