Thursday, August 11, 2011

Stupid is Stupid...No Matter How Hot You Are

My best friend pointed this one out to me, as he also pointed out to me that my blog was seriously lacking in content lately, so thanks Stretch.

A fellow alum of my alma mater, who happens also to be a former Playboy Playmate and involved in a little scandal at our alma mater involving scantily clad photos in a locker room, was arrested on August 10th at Orlando International Airport for trying to board a plan with a LOADED revolver.

The article can be found at that pinnacle of unbiased news media, the Orlando Sentinel, here.

OK, she had a CCW, which allows her to carry a concealed handgun.  But last I checked you had to pass a class to get that permit.  I'm pretty sure part of that class went over WHERE it is legal and illegal to carry your weapon.  An airport, with a bunch of police officers and TSA agents is one of those places that most people with half a brain would stop and think "Hmm, this may be one of those places I'm not allowed to carry my gun.  Oh wait, it says so right THERE ON THAT SIGN!"

So once again, no matter how hot you are.  No matter if you've been in Playboy or not and had Hef rubbing you up and down with oil.  And no matter if you do have a license which allows you to carry your concealed handgun, loaded with hollow-point rounds in most places.  You are not allowed to take a handgun on an airplane or into an airport unless you have it in a case and it is going in the belly of the damned plane.

Oh wait, she's blonde?  She's forgiven, she didn't know any better.

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