Saturday, January 8, 2011

We've Been Lied the movies

Since I only started this blog yesterday I've been thinking of all the possible things that I could post on here.  From religious views to politics.  From comic books to string theory.  From video games to movies and everything else in between.

Well this one is going to be about movies.  In particular, it's about science fiction movies and how they've lied to us.  Yes, I realize that movies are make believe (unless it's a biopic or documentary) and that we are supposed to suspend disbelief when we watch them.  But as a child of the 80s and 90s there are certain things I was promised by this point in time according to the movies and I want them dammit!

In no particular order, here are the top 5 things that Sci-Fi movies have promised me by 2015 that either aren't here yet like they should be or should be here but doubt they will happen:

1) Time Travel (Timecop/1994) - according to Timecop, by 2004 we were supposed to have the ability to go backwards in time.  With the warning that should we interact with ourselves we would be turned into a puddle of organic waste because the "same matter cannot occupy the same space".  But here it is, 2011, and there is nothing in any science journal I could find about going back in time and stopping my mother from talking me into selling all my old toys.

Side note:  Why the hell could you only go BACK in time?  Wouldn't it make sense that if someone came from the future, grabbed you, and then hit the recall device that you would in fact go forward in time with them?

2) Self-drying Clothes (Back to the Future II/1989) - I list this for one specific reason, and anyone who knows me probably can already guess why.  I do not own an umbrella.  I have not owned one since high school.  Yet I live in a state where there is a lot of rain fall, especially during the summer months, and I am resigned to sitting at my cubicle at work in wet clothes because I do not have an umbrella...nor do I have self-drying clothes.  Yes, the "future" part of BttFII is set in 2015, but we are close enough now that there should at least be a damned prototype.

3) VERY Humanoid Robots (Blade Runner/1982) - Ok, so this one, in a way, still has several years still to come as the movie was set in 2019, though the book by Philip K. Dick Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was set in 1992, however, I doubt that we are going to have robots/androids that are that far along by the end of the decade.

4) Full On Cloning (multiple movies all set before 2011) - First off, no I do not want some idiot scientist to go out there, find some dino-DNA and make a T-Rex that thinks my fat a$$ looks like a good entree.  That having been said, I do want some extremely smart scientist to take some samples from some of my organs and make cloned copies of them.  Reason being, I'm sure my lungs, kidneys, liver, and a couple of other things aren't going to last as long as I want them too.  Also, I think it would be a great idea to be able to clone a pet, like in The 6th Day, that way you never have to explain to your kid that "Rex is on a doggy-island enjoying his golden years, honey".  (Note:  Tried to find a logo for "RePet", the pet cloning place in the mall of The 6th Day but couldn't.)

5)  Manned Interplanetary Flight (2001: A Space Odyssey/1968) - yes, we've launched probes, satellites, little rovers, and other things that have landed on other planets and taken pictures and even gathered samples (that are still ON those planets), but to date, not a single human being has touched ground on anything other than our moon.  And to top THAT off, we haven't been back to the moon since 1972.  I think Kennedy would be a little pissed.

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