Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Short Post #7 - Netflix

I am a Netflix whore.  I admit this.  I need a support group.  Actually, and more specifically, I am a Netflix Streaming whore.  Yes, I have a Blu-Ray player (a couple of them actually) but the one in my living room is in my Media Center PC and the one in my bedroom is wireless.  I watch Netflix Streaming movies and shows on them more than anything else.  Sure I get my couple of movies a week in my mailbox, but I often times forget about them and just send them in...after all they will most likely be on streaming in another couple of months any how.

What I really want is to be able to get rid of my Blu Ray players, pay $50/month for all-the-time streaming HD-quality shows and movies from Netflix.  Yes, I know that Fox, Paramount, etc won't go for it because they will be losing revenue on disc sales.  That's why I'd pay almost 3x what I'm paying now to Netflix to get it!  Give them the money!  I just want my shows and I don't want to ever have to go to my mailbox again to get a little red envelope (why do I feel like Adam Sandler in "Billy Madison" when I'm getting them...it's not "nudie-magazine day"!  that's on the 12th...every month).  Nor do I want to deal with the throngs at Walmart or Best Buy to go get the damn movie before they jack it up $15 from the "release" week!

Give me my HD Streaming dammit!

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