Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Short Post #4

I posted this on my Facebook page, but it really made me think so much that I wanted to do a short post on it.

Massey Services, a pest control giant down here in the greater Orlando area, has it's main offices in the same complex as my office.  Their normal work vehicles are mid-size trucks (mostly Chevy Colorados I believe) with the occasional F-150 or mini-van.  That being said, I was at work un-Godly early today because one of our servers went down, and I'm outside breathing in the nice morning air after the issue was resolved and watching the cars/trucks pull in.  Then it happens.  A full-size van with the Massey logo on the side of it pulls in.  What kind of infestation could possibly explain the need for a full-size van?!?

Here is my thoughts:

Mid-size Truck - regular home pest control/small office pest control

Mini-van/Full-size Truck - large office pest control

Full-size Van - I'm thinking R.O.U.S. infestation or something along the lines of this dialog from the classic 1984 movie "GhostBusters":

Guy at elevator: "What are you supposed to be, some kind of a cosmonaut?"
Venkman: "No, we're exterminators. Someone saw a cockroach up on twelve."
Guy at elevator: "That's gotta be some cockroach."
Venkman: "Bite your head off, man"

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