Monday, April 4, 2011

Short Post #6 - Rick Scott

First off, I'm a Republican, and I can't stand my state's Republican Governor.  That being said, and though the man has done some utterly moronic things since he was elected (again, my opinion, I know you have 4000 of your own), he has FINALLY thought of something that makes sense.

Apparently, Gov. Scott would like to make every welfare recipient who has a history of drug use, take a drug test before they can be given assistance from the state government.  This is pure genius!  If they fail, then they are ineligible for state funds for a year AND they must pass the drug test at that time too or go for another year.  I love this idea!


  1. have to take a driver's test to get the PRIVILEGE of driving, why not take a drug test to get the PRIVILEGE of receiving welfare. How about going a step further and applying a drug and alcohol test to receive unemployment checks? Just a thought...piss in a cup, if you have time to go out and buy drugs and alcohol, you've got time to find a job to pay for it. These things should be seen as a safety net, not a crutch.

    And stop rewarding welfare recipients with MORE $$$ every time they pop out another kid! I know it's not the kid's fault, but some of these parents see them as another form of income.

    Sorry for the rant Tommy, but I agree with you! and Rick Scott kinda looks like an alien.

  2. No problem little brother, that's what this is for. Rant away. Especially when I agree with you!
