Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Soap Box - Short End of the Stick

**The Soap Box is my series of pure ranting posts.  If you think I'm being personal in some of these...well it's because I am!**

So while I love living in the East Side of Orlando, with it's close access to just about everything in the world shopping-wise that I could ever need within a 3 mile radius, there are some shortcomings to the area.

I live in the zip code with the single largest population in the greater Orlando area.  It is larger than entire cities that are near by in fact.  While it is not in the Orlando city limits, it is considered Orlando and my address says that on it.  All of that having been said it makes absolutely no sense to me why the area is treated like it is by certain companies.


I'm a huge fan of Amazon.  I have been a member of Amazon Prime since the year that they came out and continue to be a loyal member.  The savings in 2-day shipping alone has paid for the $99 cost itself (yes, I order a lot of crap).  Throw in Amazon Prime Video and I'm a very happy fat man.  In October 2015 it was announced that Amazon would be adding "Same-Day Shipping" to the "Greater Orlando Area".  Well, that is unless you live in 32828.  That little zip code with a lot of people in it.  And it sucks even more now because Amazon has just announced one and two-hour shipping on some products.  Not saying I ever need something THAT fast usually, but it would be nice.  Jeff Bezos is a jerk and I hope  his space craft blow up on the launch pad (with no people in them of course).


While cable television/internet prices are typically high and no one likes their provider for longer than the initial reduced-price year or two, at least most people have a choice on who they can get cable from.  Not in lowly 32828.  We are stuck with Dim...err...Bright House Networks.  And thanks to recent mergers if we COULD get Time Warner or Charter they would actually be under a larger umbrella with Bright House by year's end.  For television we could get a satellite, but that would still mean that we would be stuck with Bright House controlling the internet (which is appalling on it's best days).  We can't get Xfinity.  We can't order Uverse.  We can't have Fios.  We are stuck with Bright House.  It sucks.

Closing Thoughts

While I love living in the area that I do, it definitely has it's drawbacks.  As I stated earlier, we have some of the best shopping opportunities in all of Orlando.  Thousands of people come from other areas of the city to shop here and then return to their homes, sometimes just a couple of blocks out of 32828, where they get better cable service and can have Amazon send them something later in the day that they may have just looked at over at one of our shops.  Am I bitter, yes perhaps I am, but I think that companies should treat an entire area, especially when they list "Orlando area" for something, the same.


  1. Agreed! I don't know why 32828 seems to be left out of some of these opportunities. Love the burning soap box, by the way.
