Friday, May 6, 2016

Return of Short Posts

At one point, when I first started this thing, I had planned on posting more.  But what to post when I don't really have something to say?  Well, a short post obviously.  So here goes again, let's see if I can do this for more than a week without vanishing...

Earlier this week Donald Trump became, effectively as everyone else has dropped out, the Republican party candidate for the highest office in the land, the President of the United States.  And unless something really strange happens it looks like Hillary Clinton will be his opponent.  The funny thing is here is how many people are upset that Trump is getting the appointment by his party.  People are burning their voter registration cards saying that they are changing party affiliation among other idiotic things.  My only big thing here, and I'm still not sure who the hell I'll be voting for in the end, is obviously a MAJORITY of the registered Republican's in the United States of America want him to run for President and to win.  Yes, he has some crazy ideas (oh wait, that is all politicians).  Yes, he doesn't know what the hell he is talking about at times (again, all politicians).  Yes, he has a tribble living on his head that he borrowed from William Shatner's "TJ Hooker" days (OK, he owns that one).  But despite all this, he will still get the nomination.

The last thing I'll say is this; He is rude, he is crude, but he speaks his mind.  His opponent is boring, either a liar or an idiot (or both), but she has political experience that he lacks.

Screw it, I'm voting for Cthulhu.

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