Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Short Post - Invictus Games

This is going to be a very short post for me, but I don't want the importance of it to be lost.

The Invictus Games are currently going on at Disney World here in Orlando (where I may or may not be employed).  The Invictus Games, for those that don't know, are a Paralympic-like competition held every 2 years created by Prince Harry (yes, THAT Prince Harry).  The way that they differ from the Paralympic Games is that the competitors are ALL members of the armed services of the country that they represent.

Watching these events while working I am just in awe of how these people, who lost so much defending their countries, still manage to give so much back.  Showing that just because they lost an arm or a leg or an eye, they can still fight.  And not only that, it's not rare to see the winner of a competition go back down a lane or around a track to cheer on a competitor or teammate, or even give them a hand.  These heroes show us all what a human being truly has inside of them.

Invictus means "Unconquered" or "Undefeated" in Latin, and watching these men and women compete I truly have hope for our world knowing that those so many consider "broken" can be so badass.

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