Friday, May 13, 2016

Short Post - Pop Warner

So apparently Pop Warner, the governing body of a lot of youth football leagues, is putting a ban on kickoffs for it's three youngest divisions, everything ages 10 and under.  Well that has to be the stupidest damn thing I've heard in a while.

I realize that it has become a growing concern in this country that our children be SHELTERED from every little thing that we can possible shelter them from, but this is ridiculous!  If you don't want your kid to possibly get hit by another kid, then don't put him/her in a CONTACT sport.

And I'm sure some of you who know me personally are going "But UA, you don't have kids so why is this a concern to  you?"  Well, since you asked, here is why:

  1. I do not have kids, but want to have them one day and I want them to be able to do things as they were meant to be done, not some watered down, extra padded, version of them.
  2. I do not have kids, but I have several who I care for a lot.  2 nieces, 3 god kids, and a host of others.  I want them to grow up in the "real" world, not a sugar-coated lie.
  3. Getting skinned knees, bike rashes, going through poison oak, and a host of other things BUILD CHARACTER.  If our kids can't experience these things because they have been sheltered or things have been banned then they aren't humans and longer, they are sheep.

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