Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Love This Time Of Year

So yesterday I posted why I hate election years. But despite that, this time of year, every year is special to me. Why? Keep on reading.! I love football in all it's forms. Whether it be the thrill of Friday night lights when I was in high school, watching my best friend and others from the stands while I had 45lb instrument on my shoulders and playing a fight song (fight for your wildcats!) to the ongoing love-hate relationship I have with my college team (let's go Knights!...oh crap we suck again). And the total ups and downs I get from watching the Saints. I love them all. Hell I'm even a "true" football fan, and enjoy drinking a pint while cheering on the Gunners. In all honesty it's probably because all of them, including high school football, gave/give me a reason to have a beer!

Second, Olive Garden and Red Lobster. Never Ending Pasta Bowl!! Endless Shrimp!! Yes, I may not be able to eat as much as I used to (and damn happy for that), but damn it's a good time to eat at a Darden restaurant!

Lastly, the summer is almost over. While that meant a whole other thing when I was kid, like going back to school and going back to sleep earlier. Now it means being able to start turning up or off the a/c. Being able to go from my front door without needing another bath. And the rainy season in central Florida slowly coming to an end. Don't get me wrong, I love Florida but DAMN can it get hot down here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Another Year...

If you have ever ready anything that I post on here, I'm usually a bit sarcastic about just about everything.  One of my ex's would have constantly called it my "passive aggressive" nature.  I guess that is one of the many reasons she is an ex.

But today there will be none of that.  11 years ago today the most atrocious attack on the citizens of the United States of America ever happened.  I know I don't have to go into details for anyone who may be reading this.  Suffice it to say, 11 years ago almost 3000 human beings lost their lives due to an act of outright terrorism.  Whether you agree with the wars that have followed which were started in some way or fashion since 9/11 (and on account of it) or not, if you are an American citizen, regardless of race, creed, political affiliation, sexual preference, or any other category we love to throw people into, then today you need to dip your head in remembrance of those we have lost.

Say a prayer if you are so inclined to the firemen, police officers, and every day citizens who were heroes that day.  Say another for all those heroes who lost their lives.  And lastly, say a prayer to be living in this country.  Because, like it or not, economic downturn or not, it's still a pretty damned great country.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hate Election Years

This is going to be a short rant, for two reasons. First, it's the first post I'm trying from my iPhone, and I doubt that I can type a long drawn out post on here. Second, the topic upsets me.

During election years normal, educated, and typically well mannered people become raving lunatics. Lord, I wish I knew why. I admit, with no reservations, and hate it or love it, that I am registered Republican. Does this mean that I have drank all the kool-aid that my "party" mixes up, especially every 4 years? Hells no! All it means is that I believe in more of their core beliefs than I do of the Democrats.

That being said, there are several things that the Democrats say that make a lot of sense to me. But you know what? They are just as crazy, if not more so (especially with an incumbent in the running) than the Republicans in defending their crazy beliefs. Again, please read that last sentence again. I stated that BOTH sides is damn crazy, just this time around the hardcore Dems seem to be dropping the crazy pills by the handful.

I really don't care what chart or graph you come up with from such and such website. Want to know why? The other side can produce a chart or graph from just as reputable (or disreputable) site which is saying the same damn thing.

Your constant bashing of one another on Facebook, calling the other side names (again I'm calling everyone crazy here so this post doesn't count), saying that your evil is the lesser of the two evils proves only one thing. That you are a douche. And you've cost yourself many a friend because you tried to force your beliefs down someone else's throat.