Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl XLVI

So, as much as I am a red-blooded American male, I'm not a huge fan of the Super Bowl.  Why? Well, I'm a New Orleans Saints fan through and through.  And unless they make it to the "Big Show", I don't really have a dog in that fight (nice old Southern phrase which means basically I don't give a damn).

Of course, like all those who didn't really care what was going on, I do enjoy the Super Bowl commercials.  It's fun to see the companies who shell out millions of dollars for 30 second spots during the most televised event of the year.  It's even more fun to SEE what they paid those millions of dollars for.  Most of the time it's crap that leaves you going "what the HELL did I just see?" and scratching your head, or dropping your beer.  By far, my favorite was the M&M commercial with "Red" showing up and stripping off his candy coating because he thought that "Brown" had done the same.  Yeah, I laughed my ass off on that one.

Besides that, it was just a fun evening spent with my extremely tall best friend, his EXTREMELY pregnant wife, and my cute as hell godson. 

Who knows, maybe next year Brees and the boys will pull it off and make it to the game.  Came close this year, but just wasn't quite enough.

Oh, and my eyes cannot un-see nor my ears un-hear the atrocity that was Madonna's half-time show.  Though I was tempted to grab hot coals for my eyes and sharp pencils for my ears.

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