Friday, March 25, 2011

Peeps - Evil "Marshmallow" Treats

Peeps are evil!

I was going to have that be the only thing in this post, but even that is to quick for a post from me.  So I guess I should go into "why" they are evil.

1) They really only have a reason to exist during Easter.  As their main shapes are "bunny" and "chicken".  A candy that is only viable during one secular holiday must have a nefarious plan!  (OK on a side note I did discover they have special peeps for other holidays...but still doesn't matter)

2) They are "marshmallow" treats.  Sorry, to me if you can't melt them easily and sandwich them between graham crackers and a bit of Hershey bar or make them disappear in hot chocolate, they aren't real marshmallows (I've tried both with peeps and it is no bueno!).

3) Like animal crackers, which also freak the hell out of me, they have faces.  I have issues eating something that still has it's face.  I have no issue eating something that at one point had a face, but these things STILL HAVE FACES!  And yes, I did not like big chocolate Easter bunnies for the same reason back in the day.

4) I'm not the only one who believes this.  Visit Peeps are Evil and you'll see!  Sadly, this site hasn't been updated in some time, which leads me to believe that the peeps have indeed killed the creator of this web comic.

5) In high school, my Freshman "gifted" English teacher loved these things.  I hated her as she was a bull dyke who tried to force her opinions on easily impressionable high school students.  I didn't play her game (and could have gotten her fired a couple of times but didn't...though Lord looking back I wish I had).  I didn't like Peeps then, and I like them even less now.

In closing.  Peeps suck.  Eat them at your peril.  When they drill into your skull and start giving you directions like some South American parasite don't come crawling to me for help!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Short Post #5 - Japan

OK, I'll be the first one to admit that what has happened in Japan is a disaster.  The loss of human life alone is terrible and my prayers do go out to those who were affected by the earthquake.  That having been's Japan's problem.  We already rebuilt the country after World War II.  A country we were at war with at the time (yeah, that one boggles the mind).  We have enough philanthropic endeavors already going on throughout the world, not to mention the laundry list of issues going on in our own country to deal with, to assist one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world to rebuild.

You know what, scratch that.  Sure, let the USA help them out.  But don't offer this help until 4/11/2011.  Why wait a month UA?  That was how long it took Japan to offer assistance after the BP Oil Spill in 2010.  This was help that was ultimately declined, but it still took them a month to offer that assistance, long enough to damage our already hurting economy just a little bit more.  Am I an Angry American?  You bet your ass I am!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's Important?

As I get ever closer to the dreaded three-o, I thought it may be a great idea to look back on what is important in life to me right at this moment.  Yes, I know, a little deep for me, but every now and then it does happen.

First off, I'm of course happy to have my amazing family.  My mom, who has always been the rock for the family (though at times it was a little wobbly, and that's just from the crazy ALL of us have...not from the excessive drinking she does on Saturday nights...OK that was a joke, my mother barely even drinks).  My dad, who I look up to more than any man in the world (though he is 3 inches shorter than I).  My brother, who made a path that I followed pretty good I think, until I decided to take an alternate course at about 22, his amazing wife who has done a great job of guiding him to be the great man that he is today, and their daughter, my new niece, who is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life (can't wait to meet her in person).

Next are my friends.  There are too many out there to even begin to list why I'm thankful and grateful to have you in my life.  Whether it's the one I've known since we were both in kindergarten, his wife who knows how to put two grown men over twice her size in their place, the one who is the female version of me that lives in NJ, my work friends who help keep me sane when I want to bring sharp objects into the office, or those who I find on Facebook that I haven't talked to in years.  And of course all of the many "Brothers" that I have out there.  Each of these people is sacred and special to me in many ways.

Then are the women I've loved and those who say they've loved me.  No bitterness here.  Everyone has relationships that have worked for a time, failed, come back, blossomed as something new, or faded away into nothingness.  Each woman I've loved over the years has made me who I am today.  Is there one out there that I'd drop everything for to this day if I could and be with her if she called?  You'll never know ;)

So in this time of economic confusion.  Raising fuel prices.  Constantly waiting on the new season of Doctor Who and Torchwood to start.  And the supposed end of the world in about a year and a half.  Just remember, money comes and goes.  The people you truly love and love you back will always be there for you when you need them (and you sure as hell better be there for them too).  And even if the sun doesn't come out tomorrow...we've probably still got a cold one in the fridge to tide us over until it does decide to come out.